A Decade of Online Trading Services: Amana Capital Celebrates its 10th Anniversary

A Decade of Online Trading Services: Amana Capital Celebrates its 10th Anniversary 29 March, 2022

Amana Capital, an enterprising financial services firm, has achieved a new milestone: 10 years of delivering excellence in online trading services. Established in 2010 Amana Capital provides direct access to the global financial markets to both retail and institutional clients across more than 80 countries.

Amana connecting with industry leaders in the iFX Expo at the Grand Hyatt Hotel

The global event brought together industry brands, market experts and top-level executives to share the latest insights on the online trading industry. Lasting from 19th to 20th of May 2021, the event was heralded as a huge success and Dubai’s return to form since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ahmad Khatib, the CEO of Amana Capital, said: “We are delighted to have helped make this important event

possible. Sponsoring it is always an honor, especially this year when it took place in Dubai, Amana’s hometown. iFX Expo gave us a unique opportunity to meet our current and potential partners and clients face-to-face after such a long time and share the latest industry challenges and opportunities.”


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